Adventure at the Destination Station

Get ready to board your Adventure at PJ 2024!

The Adventure Team at the Destination Station is getting ready to welcome you to beautiful Camp Barnard in 2024. Your patrol will have an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of Adventures during your week at the Jamboree. From swimming to adrenaline or educational-based activities, there will be something for everyone at PJ!

Participant Adventure selection is now available! Details have been sent to each fully-registered Patrol. Adventure selection is due May 1st!

Below are the offerings for both on and offsite Adventures at PJ 2024.

Onsite AdventuresOffsite Adventures
Mountain bikingWild Play aerial course
Axe throwingSooke town challenge
Mount Bluff hikeChina Beach
WaterfrontWhale watching
Obstacle courseTrip to Victoria
CanoeingJuan de Fuca overnight expedition
Rock climbing
Adventure land
Sumo robotics
Legacy project
Tree climbing
Hydraulic hands
Science & technology
Raft boats
Ham radio

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Slingshot Activity Plans

There has been some interest from several groups for more information on the slingshot activity and the plans for the slings and activity area. You can download the plans as a PDF below. For more information, please contact Paul Phillips at