Hi from the folks that helped bring the 2019 Myths and Legends Pacific Jamboree to you. In the same way that we are hoping that you have done a review for your PJ adventures, we are asking you to help us with our review by getting input from you with this short survey. There are only 3 required responses but there are additional opportunities to provide more information (up to 12 questions total if you do them all). The information you provide will be used to help us assess our work and to help the planners of PJ 2023 make sure it is even better.
The survey responses are anonymous when you press the Submit button. We don’t collect your email address or other information that can be linked back to you.
This survey will be open until the end of day September 30, 2019.
Should you wish to provide feedback directly to a PJ organizer please feel free to send it directly to:
Camp Chief: Bill Schulte (wschulte@scouts.ca),
Deputy Camp Chief: Mike Tomczak (mike.tomczak@scouts.ca), or
PJ2019 Administration team lead: Ross Benton (ross.benton@scouts.ca).
NOTE: If you send direct feedback to any of the above, your feedback will not be anonymous.